How Can We Help..

At Minding Mum we believe every new mum is a super hero, but even super heroes can do with some support and validation from time to time. 


Here are just some of the ways we can help a new family:

  • Normalising feelings of anxiety, fear, guilt, frustration
  • Linking in to helpful resources in your area
  • Peer support and validation
  • Adjusting to changes arising from pregnancy and parenting
  • Childbirth preparation (e.g. visualisation and breathing techniques)
  • Exploring options about pregnancy
  • Coping with unexpected outcomes (e.g. stillbirth, miscarriage, genetic conditions, problems at birth)
  • Connecting with the rhythm and capabilities of your baby
  • Advising on infant sleep and the establishment of routines
  • Ensuring secure parent-infant attachment
  • Providing information on the development of infants and children
  • Facilitating relationship counselling
  • Mental health assessment and treatment

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